Monday, November 7, 2011

Lab 23 Making web pages accessible

1. Use Firefox Accessibility Extension to identify the accessibility failures and warnings in
2. Fix the failures you found.


1. 的 failures and warnings畫面

FAE RuleViolationsMessageClass
Fail The page should contain at least one and no more than two h1 elements. Headings 
Fail Heading elements that follow the last h1 should be properly nested. Headings 
Check Most web pages should contain at least one navigation bar. Menu and Navigation Bars 
Warn Every onClick event handler should be on a focusable element. Events 
Fail The b element must not be used to bold text content, instead use heading (h1-h6) elements for heading text or the strong element for emphasizing words, phrases or sentences. Text Styling 
Warn One level of nesting. Use CSS properties instead of tables and nested tables to visually layout blocks of related content for graphical renderings. Tables 
Fail Two or more levels of nesting. Use CSS properties instead of tables and nested tables to visually layout blocks of related content for graphical renderings. Tables 
Fail Every frame element must have a title attribute with content that describes the purpose of the frame. Frames 
Warn Hidden or empty frames should not be used. Frames 
Warn If the content of the alt attribute is not empty it should contain at least 7 characters and less than 90 characters. The text should provide people who cannot see the image orientation to the content and purpose of the image in the website. Images 
Fail Each page must have a lang attribute on its html element whose value or initial subtag is a valid two-character language code. Language Changes 
Fail The font and center elements must not be used for text styling, instead use structural markup should be used with CSS for styling. Text Styling 
Warn Ensure that links that point to the same HREF use the same link text. Links 
Warn 17 Avoid using text links that are shorter than four 4 characters in length. Links 

a. 要有一個<h1>標題
b. <h1>位置要正確
c. 不能有<b>粗體標籤
d. frame標籤裡必須要有title屬性
e. <html>標籤要有lang屬性
f. font跟center只能用CSS語法。這邊只把center標籤去除即可解除fail
g. 關於Two or more levels of nesting.只有線上檢查才會有,存檔下來之後就沒有錯誤了。應該是有關table標籤與圖形


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